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He's coming for Washington...


The man who bought Washington is now bringing light to the corruption and scandal that has always defined Washington. Former Republican lobbyist, Jack Ambramoff, is the leading keynote speaker on the topics of fraud, conspiracy, and corruption that just a few years ago placed him in prison for the exact same crimes.


Once released from prison, Jack started sharing his story with the world through books and two seperate documentaries about himself. He is attempting to show the world how Washington works. 


He started out with good intentions like most people, but over the years the morality of making deals took on a life of its own. He has stated on several occassions, yes on some level I knew what I was doing was wrong, but he had put himself into the frame of mind that the laws that he was breaking did not apply to him because he didn't see the laws being broken.


Money, power, and prestige gained him a prison sentence and a moral pit in his stomach. He is attempting to redeem himself now. Not by joining Washington, but by talking to anyone who will listen on how Washington is bought.

He reveals just how broken the system really is while shedding light on the drastic corrective measures needed to repair it. Jack’s back, and this time he isn’t pleading the Fifth. 

No one can speak about the corruption in Washington to the extent that Jack Abramoff can, especially with such striking clarity and purpose. The former lobbyist disentangles the (intentionally) complex process of lobbying, and he conveys, better than anyone else, the enormous degree to which it impacts our economy, our democracy, and — most importantly — the everyday choices we make.  (Abramoff, 2015)


More videos can be found here.

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