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Jack Ambramoff is a man who knew where he was going from his early childhood. Through his career he was ambitious, cunning, and full of enough charm to earn him the world served on a silver platter, but as they say what goes up  . . .

We have all tried to get ahead in this world, but to what end do you go to to achieve those goals? The story of Jack Abramoff could be anyone's story. Hard work, dedication, and reaching for your dreams...but when do you figure out that you have crossed the line between legal and criminal - when you get caught. This is Jack's story from all American kid to the most hated man in Washington and what he did when it was over. 


 You don't know JACK . . .

I know I'm intellectually capable of finding a series of things and making hundreds of millions. I have to get there and do it. Carefully. Legally.

[ Brandeis University ]


Graduated with a B.A. in English in 1981. Taking 6 years to complete his degree.

[Georgetown University]


Earned his Juris Doctrite from the Georgetown University Law Center in 1986.

[College Republican National Committee]


Chairman of the Massachusetts Alliance of College Republicans. Runs for election of the College Republican Natoinal Committee. Wins.

[ Movie Producer ]


In 1989, Red Scorpion was written and produced in conjunction with his brother.

[ Lobbyist ]


First job as a lobbyist with Preston Gates Ellis & Rouvelas Meeds LLP. Democrat based. Hired for being Republican.

[Non-profit Organizations]


Founder of several non-profit politically based organizations.

I am much chastened and profoundly remorseful. I can only hope that the Almighty and those whom I have wronged will forgive me my trespasses.


Movie Producer




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